Tuesday, November 6, 2012

WoozChronicle Ch. 27

Hey Woozens!

Wow, last week was so great!  Jenny and I just love Halloween!  It’s so fun to be someone else for a night, especially when you get to wear an awesome demon costume in Woozworld too XD  And you woozens made our Happy Woozlleen party even better than ever with your supercool, creative, spooky costumes.  I hope you all enjoyed your “tricks” or your “treats”!

I had so much fun trick-or-treating with you woozens, I didn’t even go out trick-or-treating in real afterwards!  Jenny and I stayed in and watched Halloween-y movies while handing out (and eating!) candies X)  I love holidays! haha

Speaking of spooky movies, wasn’t the WoozValley Drive-in Show great?  I’m glad I didn’t have to vote for the winners, I could never decide between all the amazing finalists!  I’ll be announcing the winners at our awesome pop culture show, What the Wooz?!, today XD

I spent most of the weekend relaxing, reading comic books, and eating leftover Halloween candy.  I’m going to be taking the day off tomorrow to line up for the new Halo 4 game!!  Can’t wait to play it – and of course talk to you woozens about it at the Game Show on Wednesday after playing all day LOL

But for right now I’m super excited because at 4 PM and 7:30 PM WT today I’ll be hosting the pop culture talk show What the Wooz?! I can’t wait to talk to all you woozens about the newest movies, music, news, and (of course!) games and technology.  Plus, tune in for the Woozylvania winners!!

See you at What the Wooz?! today!




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