At the beginning of Woozworld, a virus was created to stop the spreading of an illness called Wooz Pox! However the first prototype caused some Zombiz-like behaviour and the virus was locked up, buried, found and sent to be destroyed last October. A train derailment caused an epidemic Zombiz infestation. The Woozens helped save the Woozband that time… but it wasn’t over. A mysterious stranger got his hands on this virus… all was quiet, until now.

Today the virus is alive again and slowly spreading through Woozworld. We’ve had to quarantine a section of Woozworld in hopes spreading slows down. It’s unclear as to who or where it’s coming from… but 2,531 are already infected and the number keeps growing! From what we’ve seen, this virus infects a Woozen and within minutes they are turned into a Zombiz! It’s time to gear up in your safety suit and help rescue the Woozens… INVASION OF THE ZOMBIZ IS HERE (available on the App Store)!

The first ever Woozworld-created game has been released for the iPad! Zombiz are infecting and you have to try to figure out who’s doing it while curing Woozens! There are 13 levels for you to go through with Zombiz getting harder and harder to cure each time. Prisoners stuck in tanks will pop-up and you have to try to save them from becoming infected. Just remember if you need help, you can ask your FRIENDS to join you in the adventure! You can play with 1 – 4 players!


  • 1 to 4 players
  • 13 levels
  • thousands of Zombiz to cure
  • Achievements to unlock in Woozworld from playing
  • win Preztige Pointz and redeem them in Woozworld
Suit up, and stop the Zombiz virus from spreading!

Your Woozband
