Monday, October 29, 2012

WoozChronicle Ch. 26

Hiya Woozens!

We’re going through the Woozylvania Photo Reels and you Woozens prove you’re creative! Remember this Friday is the Bring-Out-Your-Date Drive-in show where we will announce the finalists and you get to vote over the weekend!  Max and I are going to make a real date of it X)

Speaking of dates with Max, we had a great time this past weekend at a pre-Halloween party!  You Woozens gave us a lot of great couples’ costume ideas, but for the party on Friday we decided to be PB&J XD  I was Jelly, Max was Butter, and Orson was a Peanut! LOL it was pretty great if I do say so myself.  But now I need a new set of costume ideas for real Halloween on Wednesday… so keep posting on my WoozIn please!

After the super-fun party on Friday, Max played the new Zombiz app on his iPad all weekend!  (Have you woozens downloaded our app yet?  If you haven’t heard about it, Zombiz are infecting Woozworld and you’re out to cure woozens!  The game has 13 levels that get harder and harder each time.  But if it gets too hard, remember that you can ask your friends to join you and play with up to three other players!)  This weekend Max got super into it and was playing on a team with some great Woozens XD

And of course, woozens, we have What the Wooz?! today!  In fact, this will be our 20th What the Wooz?! show!!  Isn’t it amazing how fast time flies?  Seems like just yesterday we couldn’t chat about pop culture with you woozens every week.  What did we do to learn about new movies and music?? hehe.  Remember that the show repeats twice, at 4PM WT or 7:30PM WT, to allow woozens from all over the world a chance to participate!

See you at WTW today!

JennyWooz <3


Pre-Halloween Party Unitz Design Winners

YO! Congrats to chickenyay and snowblossom2 for throwing some of the sickest Pre-Halloween parties I've ever seen. Y'all had some pretty nice Unitz.

Congrats, Snow and Chicken! You both's unitz looked coooooool! Keep being creative ;) .

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Star of the Week Winner: Chadri

Congrats to the new Star of the Week. Chad! Omg!

Hope yah had fun, Chad. Btw, he blends in with the background xD


Friday, October 26, 2012

Articles From Woozens

Zombiz App by Mercian
The new Zombiz app is awesome. I hope you guys try it out. Woozworld is getting more populated than ever!  This place already has 1305703 views!!!!!!  That’s a lot. I hope you all enjoyed this news article.
Woozworld Reporter, Mercian

Mya vs. Zeena Fashion Faceoff by MissKrazie
Although most of the Woozband and Woozens voted for Mya’s fashion designs, the designers are toe to toe with the scores on the leaderboard. Zeena’s designs are daring, bold and shocking while Mya’s designs are cute, edgy and sweet. Who will rise from the coffin and who will fall into the pit?
TTFN, MissKrazie

The New Woozworld by bobby223
Hey guys! I’ve heard many of you complaining about the new Woozworld and saying that you will quit if the game doesn’t change back. Some of you are even wearing red and black to protest against the new world. Woozens are also saying that Woozworld had taken away their gaming freedom.
But, please spare a thought for the engineers who designed and coded Woozworld, the moderators who help keep the world safe and secure and the animators who come on Woozworld and have fun with you and the amount of money it takes to build this site.
I do somehow like the new world, like the shops, the Preztige system and the events organized. It’s rather awesome.
However, I also support 10% of the campaign, which means that the prices of some items should be lowered. As a business woozen like me, I feel that after the price change, some items became worthless. That’s why I’m supporting part of the campaign.
So, in conclusion, the new Woozworld has its pros and cons. But, remember to spare a thought for the Woozworld Team! See you soon!

Until next Friday Woozens!


WoozPaper Vol. 129

Vampirz & Werewolvz HQ

Mya and Zeena held a Unitz Design Competition for their headquarters! The Untiz were well done and the girls were impressed (of course Zeena was saying her Werewolvz were better… but you’re the judge of that)! Here are the winners (you can view the Unitz from the Vampirz / Werewolvz Unitz):

LukeSky101, beautifulworld, Xx-Boredness-xX, fluffy86, 3ZOZ999Z & ykcir!

-GabeSwag-, aristio, Foxfacekep, AnnaHeartz, JasmineDuffy & CivicPrincess39 

Congratulations to everyone :)

Weekend Eventz

Saturday, at 1PM WT MyaWooz will bring back Star of the Week‘s original format!  To enter the contest, be sure to wear the new Mya vs Zeena: Vampirz vs Werewolvz collection outfits!  Once you’re dressed to impress, come and meet Mya in her Fashion Show Unitz!

Also on Saturday Jenny will be doing Halloween Hurdles at 7:30PM WT! Dress in your Halloween costumes and jump over those Hurdles!

On Sunday, October 28th at 11AM WT MaxWooz will be welcoming new Woozens to Woozworld, as well as discussing the new Zombiz app!

Also on Sunday, at 4PM WT, JayWooz is hosting another awesome Unitz Design contest for VIPs!  Create the coolest early Halloween party using either Woozylvania, Candy, or old Halloween Unitz and furniture, and Jay may pay you a visit!

Weekly Schedule

Jay and Jenny have decided to try something different for the month of November! Way back when Jay did a weekly Unitz Design Competition and he’s bringing it back! Jay will give you a brand new theme on Tuesday and you have a FULL week to submit the Unitz in his Unitz Design HQ. Jay will post the winners in a brand new Albumz every week! Practice your designs, Woozens!

Video Challenges will also be making a come back with Jenny in charge! Jenny will post a Video Challenge topic and rules on the Hot Topicz on Thursday. You will then have until the following Wednesday to submit your video (uploaded to YouTube) in the Woozworld News HQ. Jenny will go through all the entries and choose winners to be featured in a Hot Topicz and in the WoozPaper on Friday!
**Reminder: no videos of Real Life, Woozworld only**

Schedule for October 22nd-26th
When? What? When? Who?
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show 4:00 PM WT JennyWooz
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show (repeat) 7:30 PM WT JennyWooz
Tuesday Unitz Design Challenge (in Hot Topicz) JayWooz
Wednesday Max’s Game Show 7:30 PM WT MaxWooz
Thursday Video Challenge Launch (in Hot Topicz) JennyWooz
Friday Mya’s Late Night Show 7:30 PM WT MyaWooz

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mya & Zeena’s Trend Tracker Faceoff

Mya: Hey Vampirz! This is your last chance to decide who will win the Fashion Face-off between Zeena and me. I know you Woozens are going to follow your hearts and make the right choice!

Zeena: Of course you’ll be making the right choice when you crown me the fashion queen! My style has won over the Werewolvz and Woozens all over!

Mya: Oh dear… how about we just let the Woozens decide for themselves!

Mya: So Woozens, what do you think of the last Faceoff collection?

Zeena: They think mine is fabulous! Yours could use a little work. Do you want me to give you tips on how to improve them?

Mya: … See you next week Woozens! Hopefully without Zeena’s attitude!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Woozens, we are overly ecstatic about what we are about to tell you! Woozworld has been nominated for a BAFTA Children’s award! BAFTA stands for British Academy of Film and Television Arts and we, Woozworld, have been nominated for an audience award in the Web category at this year’s BAFTA Children’s Awards!

Voting starts October 23rd at 9AM and we are asking all UK Woozens to vote over at the BAFTA Kids Vote website! You can visit the website here, and just in case you missed it.. ;). To vote on the BAFTA Kids website, you have to be a UK resident and you need to register to vote and you can only vote ONCE so make it count! We are all thrilled by this and are celebrating with you!

Before you vote there will be a brand new Woozworld TV commercial for you to watch (anyone can see this so visit the site anyway by going here,!)! After you vote, an exclusive Woozworld BAFTA wallpaper will be available for download AND…  you get a BAFTA Yeti code that you can redeem in Woozworld!

We hope you are just as excited! You have a month to vote :D

Finding something fancy to wear,

Your Woozband


Monday, October 22, 2012

Invasion of the Zombiz!

At the beginning of Woozworld, a virus was created to stop the spreading of an illness called Wooz Pox! However the first prototype caused some Zombiz-like behaviour and the virus was locked up, buried, found and sent to be destroyed last October. A train derailment caused an epidemic Zombiz infestation. The Woozens helped save the Woozband that time… but it wasn’t over. A mysterious stranger got his hands on this virus… all was quiet, until now.

Today the virus is alive again and slowly spreading through Woozworld. We’ve had to quarantine a section of Woozworld in hopes spreading slows down. It’s unclear as to who or where it’s coming from… but 2,531 are already infected and the number keeps growing! From what we’ve seen, this virus infects a Woozen and within minutes they are turned into a Zombiz! It’s time to gear up in your safety suit and help rescue the Woozens… INVASION OF THE ZOMBIZ IS HERE (available on the App Store)!

The first ever Woozworld-created game has been released for the iPad! Zombiz are infecting and you have to try to figure out who’s doing it while curing Woozens! There are 13 levels for you to go through with Zombiz getting harder and harder to cure each time. Prisoners stuck in tanks will pop-up and you have to try to save them from becoming infected. Just remember if you need help, you can ask your FRIENDS to join you in the adventure! You can play with 1 – 4 players!


  • 1 to 4 players
  • 13 levels
  • thousands of Zombiz to cure
  • Achievements to unlock in Woozworld from playing
  • win Preztige Pointz and redeem them in Woozworld
Suit up, and stop the Zombiz virus from spreading!

Your Woozband


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wooz Weekly: Zeena Exclusive

As I’m sure you all know, ZeenaWooz, that Woozband enemy we love to hate and hate to love, is BACK and BADDER THAN EVER! This daring girl stole MyaWooz’s Vampirz crown at the What the Wooz?! show, and challenged Woozworld’s resident design queen to a fashion face-off!!

Well, we all know the facts of the case. But who knows the girl behind the drama?? No one has gotten Zeena’s side of the story – until now! Read on for Wooz Weekly’s EXCLUSIVE interview with the Werewolvz Queen herself!

WW: Hey there Zeena! First of all, welcome back to Woozworld! It’s been awhile since we last saw you!
ZW: I know, it’s been way too long! The Woozens have missed me ;) … and my awesomeness!

WW: And so have I! So what prompted you to come back??
ZW: I just think it’s about time Woozworld had someone who’s actually great with fashion and has a fashion sense. You know? Blue is the new Red and Purple. There’s a point in time where the amateurs have to step down and make way for the experts like me.

WW: Wow! Sounds like you have some big plans.
ZW: Zeena for president! LOL, just kidding. Of course I have big plans or else I wouldn’t be here.

WW: So, if or when you get crowned queen of the Fashion Face-off, what’s your next step?
ZW: World peace :). Hahahaha, just kidding! I’ll take my crown and my legion of loyal Woozens and start the next big fashion house because, I am better right?

WW: And if you lose?
ZW: Lose? Are you interviewing me right now or Mya? I mean, look at the collection… it’s the best thing Woozworld has ever seen!

WW: Sounds like you’re pretty confident in your fashion sense. May I ask where you get your inspiration?
ZW: Clearly myself. I am my own inspiration.

WW: Wow! So a question all of Woozworld has been wondering. Why didn’t your beau ZackWooz return with you? Where’s Zack? He’s one lucky man!
ZW: Really? Shouldn’t this interview be about me, not him? I mean like HELLO!! I’m here solo, working solo, designing solo. I’m proving to the Woozens that I’m better (which, I am if you didn’t already know ;)). And yes, he is lucky to have me, I am amazing after all.. better recognize!

WW: Look at that confidence! Thanks for all of the info. I want to just say I love your style!
ZW: I know right? It’s the best thing since me, myself and I entered the world.

WW: Thanks for joining us! Good luck with the competition!
ZW: You’re welcome, it’s your pleasure! Luck? I don’t need luck… I have myself.

Looks like Zeena’s dreaming big, and ready to show Woozworld what she can really do in terms of fashion!

But I wonder.. is she really right!? Will the Werewolvz succeed!? Is Woozworld ready for a new fashion queen!? I guess that’s up to you Woozens.

Sneaking around for your benefit,



Eventz Calender Oct. 20th-26th

Weekend Eventz

Yo, Woozens. Here's this week's Eventz Calender :)

Saturday, October 20th at 11AM WT, JennyWooz is hosting another round of Halloween Hurdles!  Get your costume on and come ready to race!

Also on Saturday, at 1PM WT MyaWooz will bring back Star of the Week‘s original format!  The theme is Mya vs Zeena: Vampirz vs Werewolvz.  To enter the contest, simply dress to match her theme and meet her in her Fashion Show Unitz!

On Sunday, October 21st at 1PM WT is MaxWooz’s awesome Map Game!  This round is open to everyone, so study that atlas!

Also on Sunday, at 4PM WT JayWooz will be visiting Vampirz and Werewolvz Unitz to offer tips and advice!  Consider this a Unitz workshop – you can ask Jay what he’s looking for and get ahead in the Unitz Design Contest!

Schedule for October 22nd-26th
When? What? When? Who?
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show 4:00 PM WT JayWooz
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show (repeat) 7:30 PM WT JayWooz
Tuesday Max’s Game Show 7:30 PM WT MaxWooz
Wednesday Discussionz 7:30 PM WT JennyWooz
Thursday Freestyle Hour 7:30 PM WT JayWooz
Friday Mya’s Late Night Show 7:30 PM WT MyaWooz

WoozWorld: How to moonwalk

Do you wanna know how to moonwalk on WoozWorld :0? Well, you can! On the text box, just type "/moonwalk" and press enter then click anywhere and you'll be moonwalking! ;D

Keep in mind that every time you stop walking, you have to type it again on the text box.

Other than that, Happy Moonwalking! XD


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mya vs Zeena: Fashion FaceOff!

OMG Woozens! Just when we thought we’d have a nice fun month making terrifying horror films for the Woozylvania contest, here comes a real horror show – ZEENAWOOZ IS BACK IN WOOZWORLD! :O

Out of nowhere this girlfriend of the Woozband’s mortal enemy ZackWooz, has blasted back into our lives (Without Zack thank goodness!). And as if that’s not enough, she’s stolen MyaWooz’s Vampirz Queen crown! As you Woozens recall, last November the ancient clans of Vampirz and Werewolvz competed to win Mya as their Queen. The Vampirz won, and Mya has proudly reigned over them ever since, sharing her fabulous fashion wisdom with the world.

But Zeena has always been jealous of Mya’s title, popularity, and stylishness – and now she’s gotten herself crowned Queen of the Werewolvz! Her team stole Mya’s Vampirz crown, and now Zeena has not only challenged Mya herself to a design competition, but declared a battle between Vampirz and Werewolvz.. and YOU choose who to fight for!

There’s an Adventurz for you to go through and when you get to the end, you choose who you are going to fight for.
  • Every time you complete the Adventurz, you get 1 point for the team you choose.
  • You will see Werewolvz and Vampirz around need a special jacket to cure those which gets 3 points for your team. (If you cure a Vampirz, you give 3 points to Werewolvz… if you cure a Werewolvz, you give 3 points to Vampirz)
  • You will see Vampirz Blood Roses and Werewolvz Lupine Lilies. You need Mya’s Vampirz Bat or Zeena’s Werewolvz Wolf  to collect these plants which get 5 points to the team.
It’s just too epic, Woozens! Both Mya and Zeena will create fierce fashion collections showcasing their teams – Mya and the Vampirz vs. Zeena and the Werewolvz! Which diva will you support?

Who is Woozworld’s most awesome fashion designer, Mya or Zeena? Woozens, it’s up to you to decide – choose wisely!

To be Vampirz or to be Werewolvz… that is the question.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

WNS - Pop Lyrics Quiz

1) "I trade my soul for a wish, pennies and … for a kiss"
A: Dimes

2) "Baby you light up my world like nobody else / The way that you flip your … gets me overwhelmed"
A: Hair

3) "Party … is in the house tonight / Everybody just have a good time"
A: Rock

4) "I know you love me, I know you care / Just … whenever and I’ll be there"
A: Shout

5) "It’s been said and done / … … thoughts been already sung / And I guess right now here’s another one"
A: Every beautiful

6) "This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever … … from me"
A: Take away

7) "Never mind, I’ll find … … … / I wish nothing but the best for you, too"
A: Someone like you

8) "I’m beautiful in my way cause God makes no mistakes / I’m on the right track baby … …. … … …"
A: I was born this way

Reward: 520 beex and WNS: Pop Treble Trophy

WNS - Piano Quiz

1) How many keys do most piano have?
A: 88

2) What configuration can a piano have, other than upright?
A: Grand

3) What does pianoforte mean?
A: Quiet loud

4) In which country was the piano invented?
A: Italy

5) What century was the piano invented?
A: 18

6) Which famous pianist was deaf?
A: Beethoven

7) True or False: There are as many white keys as black keys.
A: False

8) What decade was the electric piano invented?
A: 1920

Reward: 160 beex and WNS Piano Trophy

Endangered - Giant Panda Quiz

1) The pandas diet is mostly what food?
A: bamboo

2) The pandas are endagered because of: deforestation, pollution or poaching?
A: deforestation

3) In what country can they be found?
A: china

4) True or false - male pandas can weigh up to 250 pounds
A: true

5) Pandas live in plains, mountains or deserts?
A: mountains

6) True or false: pandas hibernate like bear?
A: false

7) How many pandas are left in the wild? 500, 1500 or 2000
A: 1500

8) How many pounds of bamboo per day does an adult panda eat?  20, 30 or 40?
A: 40

Reward: 160 beex and Giant Panda Statue

Endangered - Bengal Tiger Quiz

1) What is the scientific name for the Bengal Tiger?
A: Panthera tigris tigris

2) Which country are Bengal Tigers native to?
A: India

3) True or false: they are solitary animals.
A: True

4) When a cub is born, are it's eyes and ears open or closed?
A: Closed

5) True or false: tigers are canine animals.
A: False

6) One of the biggest threats of its survival is...
A: Poaching

7) True or false: genetics are the reason White Bengal Tiger can be found.
A: True

8) True or false: Bengal Tiger are nocturnal hunters.
A: True

Reward: 160 beex and Bengal Tiger Statue

Eventz Calendar Oct. 8th-12th

Hola, Woozens :)

Here is this week's eventz calendar:

Schedule for October 8th-12th
MondayWoozlympics: Halloween Hurdles1:00 PM WTJennyWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTMaxWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show (repeat)8:00 PM WTMaxWooz
TuesdayMax’s Game Show7:30 PM WTMaxWooz
WednesdayDiscussionz7:30 PM WTJennyWooz
ThursdayFreestyle Hour7:30 PM WTJayWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:30 PM WTMyaWooz

Hope everyone can make it to see the Woozband, and have fun :)
