Saturday, December 15, 2012

Articles from Woozens

Articles from Woozens

Gift Wrap Contest by noga123
Hey Woozens! Im sure you all heard about the gift wrap contest!
Santa has gone missing and the woozband needs our help! Around the world you will see unwrapped gifts! All you have to do is wrap them! We want everyone to get a present for christmas so.. What are you waiting for? Go wrap!
Thanks, Noga!

New Changes by Amandaamoon
Woozworld has been going through so many changes that we can’t even keep up! Luckily, I’m here to inform all you Woozens what’s going on, while you’re not there. Lately, Woozworld owners have made a surprising change to Woozworld. Now, you can click other Woozens to see what they’re wearing, and if you like it and it’s for sale, you can buy it! That also works with furniture. This is probably a positive change to Woozworld, and I think it will make a posititive change to WoozWorld. Thanks for reading!

Woozworld Holiday Spirit by IceLacy
Winter is here! You know what that means! People will be hustling and bustling about getting their loved ones gifts and last minute Christmas shopping. Winter and Christmas is being reflected in Woozworld and other websites. Woozworld has the new Santawooz’s Village and the Woozworld Ice Rink. Both choices are exceptional and full of holiday joy. With SantaWooz’s Village see Shopz (you can’t go into), and have your Christmas spirit lighten when you head on over to the Woozworld Ice Rink where, you will be met by a huge Christmas tree, and a huge skating rink, which, works just like land. Also bundle up because it’s winter which means showing off your winter fashion. There are new clothes in the shopz, new unitz, and of course new objectz for your new unitz which you can pose in with your new clothes! With your new clothes the Christmas colours really start to show off. Red and Green. The woozband has really shown the christmas spirit in these unitz, clothes and objectz. Bundle up and stay warm everyone! Merry Christmas and a happy woozy year!

Until next Friday Woozens!



Woozpaper Vol. 136

Weekend Eventz

Saturday, December 15th at 1PM WT MyaWooz will host her Star of the Week Competition!  To enter the contest, dress in the Spirit of Woozmas. Meet Mya in her Fashion Show Unitz with your best Woozmas outfit, and walk that catwalk!

Also on Saturday, at 4PM WT, JayWooz will be coming back to Woozworld with VIP Freestyle. He’ll announce the theme Saturday morning, so be sure to check out Hot Topicz!

On Sunday, December 9th at 11AM WT, MaxWooz will be back in Woozworld to have a little chat with you Woozens. He’ll be there to talk to you about Buy from Anywhere, gift wrapping and more! Meet him in his Game Show Unitz to participate in the discussion!

Also on Sunday, at 4 PM WT, JennyWooz will be doing a Polar Bear Swim. This will be in the Woozlympics: Swimming Unitz (polar bears aren’t necessary)! ;)

Weekly Schedule

Jay and Jenny have been so impressed with all your creativity, they’re keeping their competitions going for the month of December!

On alternating Tuesdays, Jay will post a theme for his Unitz Design Competition! You have a FULL week to submit the Unitz in his Unitz Design HQ. Jay will post the winners in a brand new Albumz the following Tuesday!

Every other week, Jenny will post a Video Challenge theme and rules on the Hot Topicz. You will then have until the following week to submit your video link (uploaded to YouTube) in the Woozworld News HQ. Jenny will go through all the entries and choose winners to be featured in a Hot Topicz!

**Reminder: no videos of Real Life, Woozworld only**

Schedule for December 17th – 21st
When? What? When? Who?
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show 7:30 PM WT JayWooz
Tuesday Video Challenge (in Hot Topicz) JennyWooz
Wednesday Max’s Game Show 7:30 PM WT MaxWooz
Friday Mya’s Late Night Show 7:30 PM WT MyaWooz


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Articles from Woozens

Articles from Woozens


WoozvengerZ by Lovely85
Hiya Woozens!
Lovely in the house! :P Have you seen something ELSE that has been on the house lately: THE WOOZVENGERZ?! LoL. MaxWooz made a wish for all the Woozband to become Superheroes, and that’s how the WoozvengerZ were created! Mya is the fabulous Pink Fury, Jay is the amazing NitroSwift and Jenny is awesome NeuroGirl – oh, and GoodOldWooz is the tough GOODOLDROCK! Max, being the one who made the wish, is the best: the brilliant WoozMan!
But life isn’t just easy-peasy, happy-go-go – especially with THIS wish. There’s Zack and ZeenaWooz! Zeena is the Blue Whisperer, and Zack is the Dark Light – a team called Z-Revengers.
Which team are you on? The Good or Bad? Who will win – Z-Revengers or the Woozvengerz??
From your reporter, Lovely85 x

Superpowered Outfits! by -xXRainDropXx-
Hi peeps! Rain here, I love the new outfits they are sooooo cool! I think it is awesome that they have a superpower to go with them! I can’t decide which one I like best for the girl outfits. And the boy outfits are a match made in heaven for some comic-book-loving guys, or guys who want to be fun and crazy.  Jenny’s hair is awesome; I love how it changes to a rainbow when all of the outfit is on… Mya’s outfit, on the other hand, reminds me of a cross between Technoz and Katniss Everdeen! Lol. Zeena’s outfit is unique and I love her superpower btw! (Who wouldn’t want to talk to animals? XD)  I’m sure ZackWooz would be an awesome flashlight for the nighttime too. Remember Max’s birthday is coming up so be prepared for the ultimate comic book birthday party! :D

How to Hang Out with the Woozband by Clarinna
Hello my fellow woozens! :) Clar is here and it’s been a while (actually 6 months) that I didn’t write for the blog, so here I am :p
Lately, I heard a lot of woozens wondering on how to meet or get the chance to hang out with the Woozband so I decided to write about that.
1. Each of the animators has an event (or more) every week so be sure to check the blog once in a while to look at the schedule
2. If you would like to attend to the event, might as well come an hour or two before it starts if you don’t want to be stuck in the queue, because a lot of woozens are looking forward to it.
3. Once the animator has arrived to entertain you, don’t think that the he or she will always pay attention to you. They are there to entertain the whole Woozworld, not only you. So don’t be sad :)
I hope this helped and if you end up in the queue, don’t give up. One day, you might be able to hang out with the Woozband :)

“Fall” in Love by fluffydp103
Dear Woozens,
It’s fall :) My favorite season of the year! Because its time for sweaters, Uggs, jeans, and cocoa on late nights. Who wouldn’t enjoy that? In Woozworld we can express our creativity with our clothes and Unitz. I notice tons of fall colors already!  Everybody is in the mood for all the wonderful things it brings, especially on our WoozIn. We get new Unitz, new pets, new EVERYTHING. Of course it’s all fall. Some choose to express their feelings of this wonderful season through poetry and music, as I’ve seen. What a spectacular thing to do! (: Woozens clearly state their individual personalities through just those little things. So… tell one of your friends about Woozworld, and what wonderful fall creativity we have!
Lots of Love, Fluffydp102

Until next Friday Woozens!



The WoozPaper Vol. 131

Weekend Eventz

Saturday, November 10th at 1PM WT MyaWooz will bring back Star of the Week‘s original format!  To enter the contest, be sure to wear the new Superhero and Supervillain collection outfits!  Once you’re dressed to impress, come and meet Mya in her Fashion Show Unitz!

On Sunday, November 11th at 12PM WT, JennyWooz will host another round of Woozlympics: Hurdles.  Better start stretching!

Also on Sunday, at 4PM WT JayWooz will be visiting Superhero or Supervillain HQ Unitz to give you tips on entering his Design Contest.  Create a Display Eventz and you might get some insider info from the man himself!

Weekly Schedule

Jay and Jenny have decided to try something different for the month of November! Way back when Jay did a weekly Unitz Design Competition and he’s bringing it back! Jay will give you a brand new theme on Tuesday and you have a FULL week to submit the Unitz in his Unitz Design HQ. Jay will post the winners in a brand new Albumz every week! Practice your designs, Woozens!

Video Challenges will also be making a come back with Jenny in charge! Jenny will post a Video Challenge topic and rules on the Hot Topicz on Thursday. You will then have until the following Wednesday to submit your video (uploaded to YouTube) in the Woozworld News HQ. Jenny will go through all the entries and choose winners to be featured in a Hot Topicz and in the WoozPaper on Friday!

**Reminder: no videos of Real Life, Woozworld only**

Schedule for November 12th – 16th
When? What? When? Who?
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show 4:00 PM WT MyaWooz
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show (repeat) 7:30 PM WT MyaWooz
Tuesday Unitz Design Challenge (in Hot Topicz)
Wednesday Max’s Game Show 7:30 PM WT MaxWooz
Thursday Video Challenge Launch (in Hot Topicz)
Friday Mya’s Late Night Show 7:30 PM WT MyaWooz


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

WoozMan’s Next Sidekick!

Every good Superhero needs a sidekick, and WoozMan is no exception! One of Woozworld’s newest Superhero is holding a competition to find his next VIP Sidekick… using Objectivz!

Starting today, EVERYONE will see the Superhero Objectivz! A new one will be launched every day this week (of course we will remind you in Hot Topicz), for a total of five Objectivz by Friday. You need to complete one to see the next.. but remember, 1 a day!

Once you’ve completed all five Superhero Objectivz, VIP’s will be able to enter your Woozen name in a Unitz to nominate yourself to be WoozMan’s Next Sidekick! And if you’re not VIP, completing the Superhero Objectivz will earn you:
  • Energy (by completing the 1st Superhero Objectivz)
  • Preztige (by completing the 2nd and 3rd) 
  • Wooz (by completing the 4th and 5th)
The winning VIP Sidekick, chosen by WoozMan, will be featured in his next Comicz! And you know what that means… this crime-fighting buddy will live in fame and glory as a Woozworld legend!
We can’t wait to see who will be the SidekickWoozMan needs your help!

Up, up and away!


The WoozvengerZ!

**ATTENTION VIPS: Want to be WoozMan’s Sidekick? Click here for more information**

Woozens, have you noticed anything strange going on in Woozworld recently? Ever since the Woozylvania Drive-in show in Friday night, mysterious shadows have been appearing all over Woozworld! Have you ever looked up into the sky and seen something soaring high that you couldn’t explain? Maybe you felt something brush past you at the speed of light? Or heard the buzz of a pink arrow being shot out of nowhere? Well.. it’s all going to make sense to you now…

Woozworld has gained its very own group of Super Heroes!! (For once, Woozarazzi got something right!) Allow us to introduce your new super-powered Woozband, the WoozvengerZ!
MyaWooz is… Pink Fury; shooting pink bows of fire!
JayWooz is… NitroSwift; moving at the speed of light!
JennyWooz is… NeuroGirl; using telepathic powers for good!
GoodOldWooz is… GoodOldRock; all the strength you could imagine flowing through his vains!
And, last but not least, introducing MaxWooz as… WOOZMAN; soaring higher than any Woozen before!

With Max’s birthday on November 21st (and his party on the 30th!), his greatest wish has come true! This comicz-loving birthday boy has asked to to turn not just the Woozband but all Woozens into Super Heroes!! You can join in the WoozvengerZ’s super team by choosing your favorite superhero outfit. Each Super Hero outfit has special powers that only appear when the whole outfit on – because of course you don’t want the villains to know your secret identity!

And be careful – there are two “friends” that maaaaay have taken Max’s Super Hero wish a bit too seriously. ZackWooz as Dark Light (capturing light as he wants) and Zeena as Blue Whisper (with the ability to talk to animals) have formed a new Super Villain group, Z-revengers. Here we go again…
But never fear! We know you Woozens will choose to use your new powers for good! Join the Woozband on their SUPER adventure into Max’s world of Comicz!

Up, up, and awayyyyy!

**ATTENTION VIPS: Want to be WoozMan’s Sidekick? Click here for more information**


WoozChronicle Ch. 27

Hey Woozens!

Wow, last week was so great!  Jenny and I just love Halloween!  It’s so fun to be someone else for a night, especially when you get to wear an awesome demon costume in Woozworld too XD  And you woozens made our Happy Woozlleen party even better than ever with your supercool, creative, spooky costumes.  I hope you all enjoyed your “tricks” or your “treats”!

I had so much fun trick-or-treating with you woozens, I didn’t even go out trick-or-treating in real afterwards!  Jenny and I stayed in and watched Halloween-y movies while handing out (and eating!) candies X)  I love holidays! haha

Speaking of spooky movies, wasn’t the WoozValley Drive-in Show great?  I’m glad I didn’t have to vote for the winners, I could never decide between all the amazing finalists!  I’ll be announcing the winners at our awesome pop culture show, What the Wooz?!, today XD

I spent most of the weekend relaxing, reading comic books, and eating leftover Halloween candy.  I’m going to be taking the day off tomorrow to line up for the new Halo 4 game!!  Can’t wait to play it – and of course talk to you woozens about it at the Game Show on Wednesday after playing all day LOL

But for right now I’m super excited because at 4 PM and 7:30 PM WT today I’ll be hosting the pop culture talk show What the Wooz?! I can’t wait to talk to all you woozens about the newest movies, music, news, and (of course!) games and technology.  Plus, tune in for the Woozylvania winners!!

See you at What the Wooz?! today!


